inDIGITAL+, the Marketing and Digital Transformation Executive Program
The digital era offers a broad scenery of possibilities, unimaginable before the internet era.
We live in a 24/h connected world where the executive, marketing and communication directors and entrepreneurs need strategic and tactical knowledge to develop winning digital strategies for their businesses.
To address this need, ESADE's inDIGITAL+ program offers comprehensive training in marketing and digital strategy for those executive managers, emerging leaders and entrepreneurs to successfully develop in the newly digitized environment as well as taking advantage of its new opportunities with a direct impact on the results.
The program gives you tools which you can use to make this change. Effectively you start thinking in another way, much more global, much more digital
Carlos Iglesias, co-director del programa y CEO de Runroom, y Julio Villalobos, co-director del programa, Corporate Director y Chief Digital Officer de Esade, presentan los retos de la transformación digital en el vpodcast inDIGITAL+, con la presencia de exalumnos, líderes digitales de distintos sectores y profesores.
A 360º vision of the digital environment
The program stands up for an integral formation on marketing and digital strategies beginning with new digital tools, going through all the faces of digital marketing and applying them in the specific environment of each student, who can apply since day one of the course the learnings to answer the growth and innovation needs of his or hers organization.
In the program, through theoretical and practical sessions and real businesses success cases, the students will learn to develop and implement a solid digital marketing strategy, taylor-made for their organization.
The format of the program alternates intensive training modules with time spaced modules, giving space for discussion and sharing apprenticeship and experiences.
The objective is enabling the students to implement the learned methods immediately, applying them to their own contexts and forming an aligned community with the same values and knowledge, establishing relations which endure over time.
inDIGITAL + isn't just executive training in digital strategy. It means living an experience that marks a turning point in one's professional career.
Carlos Iglesias’ collaboration with ESADE started in 2014 as a guest lecturer in various Executive Education programs, like the Marketing Direction program, the Sales Direction program, the E-Commerce Executive program, the Executive Master in Business Analytics or the Executive Master in Marketing and Sales.
Sobre qué entendemos por aprendizaje, modelos de aprendizaje y aprendizaje de personas, Carlos Iglesias conversa con Pablo Jimeno en el Episodio "Cultura de aprendizaje y procesos de transformación", del podcast Realworld. ¡Escúchalo aquí!